Chapter 7

The heroes met the local townsfolk divining hat they could:
Eastbrook (PAST):

  • John (Senior) - Human Male - Apothecary (aging)
  • Bob (Robert) - Human Male - Farmer
  • Alfred - Human Male - Barrel Monkey for local inn "The Prancing Boar"
  • Wilnen Underfore "Seaworthy" - Dwarven Male - Bar Man (Bard'mn's father)
  • Wilgold "Will" Dawntracker - Human Male - Local Builder/Foreman
  • Chandler - Human Male - Major of Eastbrook (Father of Axey to tiefling barmaid, father of "The Necromancer")
  • Davkas - Human Male - Farmer
  • Marros "Wolfswift" - Human Male - Fisherman (Local fishmonger)
  • Fruward - Elven Male - Druid Enchanter and father of Zulir
  • Maglynn - Human Female - Blacksmith
  • Mortanius - Human Male - "The Necromancer"
  • ??? - Tiefling Female - Barmaid and mother of Axey 
They came to realise, after indulging in some hilarious magical antics with Chandler the major, that he was in-fact the father of the necromancer. They met up with the Major at his manor later that night to find out more.

When they did, he offered them a bag of gold coins for bringing him back alive, and a second bag of gold for bringing him back dead. He explained that some strange visitors to the town had lured his boy away - teaching him dark magics... to which he was adept and quickly grew to power amongst the people he had met.
The boy, Mortanius, now a young man - had left the town, maintaining a new foothold over the dark men he had met beyond the town. From time to time Mortanius and his men were rumoured to have kidnapped visitors to the village.

The heroes offered their assistance in helping Chandler, not letting on that their goals and motivations came from somewhere else as well.


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